Being part of the MULTICHOICE TALENT FACTORY is a great accomplishment for Raimon. Apart from helping him acquire advanced skills on film making as well as connecting him to professionals in the industry, MTF will help him fulfil his dream of changing society’s perspective towards film making.
One day in the year 2008, while in Mtejeta primary school, his math teacher was upset after the class had failed their exams. That day they spoke a lot about life and the future that was ahead of them. The teacher asked the class what they wanted in life and what they wanted to do when they finished school. He asked one student after another the same question. Some said they wanted to be doctors, others teachers, and even engineers. On hearing this, he reiterated the need for them to excel in their math tests. And on he went. When it was Raimon’s turn, he proudly said he wanted to become a filmmaker. His teacher paused in dismay and then followed a long-lasting laugh from his classmates.
From that day Raimon purposed in his heart that he would be the one of the best filmmakers in the country. Being a filmmaker to him is just the same as being a doctor, engineer of engineer. 13 years later, he is now at MTF pursuing that dream. That dream that beats in his heart and comes alive in his daily pursuit to be the best that he can be.